
Midterm Review

I've been neglecting my journal lately so I have nearly 2 weeks of work to update here.

AI Research
Researchers have broken down the problems of AI into 10 models.
1 - Deduction, reasoning, problem solving
2 - Knowledge representation
3 - Planning
4 - Learning
5 - Natural language processing
6 - Motion and manipulation
7 - Perception
8 - Social intelligence
9 - Creativity
10 - General intelligence

Without getting too into each area, #10 general intelligence poses a particularly interesting dilemma when we consider the Turing convention. For an AI to perform any of these tasks in a way nearly approximating an average human, it would require a strong proficiency in most if not all the other areas.

Blade Runner (1982)
I finally sat down and watched the movie from beginning to end. The NEXUS androids represent a philosophical question very similar to the one I'm posing here: if we create a creature with free will, emotion, and human in just about any way that matters, then what obligations do we have to ensure its happiness and well-being? What happens when we impose our will on our creations and they defy the destiny we created for them?

Food for thought. That said, Roy Batty's death scene was actually very influential when I started writing Christopher's final soliloquy. It was a moment when you profoundly felt the humanity of a villainous character that had, up to that point, seemed monstrously un-human.

Bicentennial Man (1999)
This basically told the story of an android who becomes a human over the course of 200 years of contact with different generations of the Martin family. The 10 problems of AI are demonstrated very clearly as his character develops, and it is very thought provoking as the line between the android and humans gets more and more indistinct.

I started experimenting with fluids, particularly cloud, ocean, and smoke effects. They'll be necessary for the rocket launch sequence. I found an interesting launch sequence in the 2nd part of Shinkai Makoto's 5cm Per Second anthology with some participating media effects I would like to crib away.

Other Production Issues
After playing with my own voice in the animatic, I'm thinking a small chorus effect might give Christopher that 'robot' voice he needs. My worry is that he might start to sound androgynous or even legion. I might need a sound engineer for all my sound effects and to help record. The ambient noise of the computer room was alright since the set is full of computers and machinery anyway, but I need to add sounds of people outside so it doesn't feel so empty.

I need to get in touch with my musician again now that my material's starting to shape up. If that falls through, I can always arrange some Chopin and play it myself.

Ben Fox got in contact with Maggie Lacey, an actress he'd worked with before, for me. I'm nearly ready to send off the preliminary script, and get a screen test from her. Ben also offered to help translate my vision into actor-speak and work with her during filming. I've talked to Bora about her setup for green-screen and I've been asking around after a DP.

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